Relieve neck and back pain, boost body confidence, and find peace of mind with InsideOut Yoga. Your first class is free.

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InsideOut Yoga Studio Classes Seattle Kim Trimmer Healing Hand Icon

InsideOut Yoga

Less woo, more you. No need for fancy yoga togs, special mats or enlightened consciousness, unless that's your thing. All are welcome here. We're an inclusive community.

Let’s face it . . . starting something new is challenging. Please know that you can show up at InsideOut Yoga just as you are — whether you've taken 100's or 0 yoga classes before, whatever you weigh, how active/inactive you’ve been, no matter what you wear. we're here to support you in getting past the wanting to do yoga to actually enjoying the rewards of this incredible practice!


We offer a variety of classes designed to meet you where you are and support you in progressing to where you wish to be.
InsideOut Yoga Restorative Yoga Therapy Class Seattle Kim Trimmer
Yoga Therapy sessions address physical and emotional concerns. Schedule a free 20-minute consult to see if this is right for you.
InsideOut Yoga Studio Seattle Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program Kim Trimmer Students
Join a small group of dedicated students and deepen your practice, whether or not you wish to teach.
InsideOut Yoga Studio Seattle Yoga Retreats Workshops
Take refuge from daily busyness, practice in a safe and peaceful setting.

Seeking freedom from compulsive
or addictive thoughts or behaviors?

We have resources available to support you in practicing on your own.

Kim Trimmer, M.Ed., C-IAYT, eRYT500 recorded a CD that will help you to cope with binge eating (or any compulsive behavior), anxiety and/or depression.

On the CD you’ll find:

Track 1 is a short mindfulness practice to use when you are facing an urge that runs counter to the intentions you hold for your life.

Track 2 is a guided meditation from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Present Moment, Wonderful Moment (used with permission).

Track 3 provides mindful eating guidance.

Track 4 is a gentle yoga sequence.

Track 5 is a deeply relaxing body scan.

We also  have a robust online membership with breathing, meditation, active and restorative practices for only $27 per month. Learn more and join here.

Purchase CD/digital tracks from following vendors.



InsideOut Yoga Studio Classes Seattle Student Testimonials

InsideOut Yoga offers the best yoga classes I have ever taken.

I have been in classes with instructors who have no idea how people really move. I have been treated with disdain by a few teachers. With Kim I feel supported and nurtured. It’s yoga for regular people. I laugh and feel stupid sometimes, but never humiliated. It seems everyone feels awkward in some position or another but we are all trying. That’s the atmosphere that’s fostered. It’s why I keep coming back.
~ InsideOut Yoga Student
InsideOut Yoga Studio Classes Seattle Student Testimonials

I began yoga to develop core strength for a chronic back problem.

The pace and guidance Kim gives have been immensely helpful. I look forward to yoga and always feel uplifted by my experience in Kim’s classes. She is especially effective at helping students establish good practice habits, with individual attention and encouragement. Yoga with Kim is a pleasure.
~ InsideOut Yoga Student
InsideOut Yoga Studio Classes Seattle Student Testimonials

I am a large woman and had taken yoga on and off for several years before I found Kim.

I knew yoga was good for me but so many of the classes – and the teachers – left something to be desired. Often the teachers were “reformed dancers” who were teeny tiny. I couldn’t relate to them and they could not relate to me. I struggled to keep up in those classes wondering if maybe yoga was only for the smaller woman. I never felt that I belonged and in some cases even felt that I wasn’t welcome.
Then I found Kim. 
 ~ InsideOut Yoga Student

What’s Happening at InsideOut Yoga

InsideOut Yoga Classes Seattle White Mandala


Retreat, Settle, Restore

Get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Practice yoga and meditation within spacious horizons and with any luck under the northern lights, connect with likeminded cohorts, return to life refreshed and restored.
Coming Fall 2024
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InsideOut Yoga Classes Seattle White Mandala

Inspiration Membership

Practice on Demand

A robust and constantly evolving online program, which you can work on your own schedule according to your needs and wishes.
Learn More
InsideOut Yoga Classes Seattle White Mandala

Yoga Teacher Training

Deepen, Broaden, Teach

InsideOut Yoga’s Teacher Training is registered with Yoga Alliance.
Certification with Yoga Alliance (the premier professional organization for yoga) requires 200 hours of training. We offer two options for fulfilling those requirements: two six-month courses or a one-month intensive.
Free Info Session
InsideOut Yoga Classes Seattle White Mandala

New Student Special

We will welcome you warmly!